The respective dates have been added to this dev diary due to the delayed upload due to website issues. This work was all done before the presentation.
Block-out: November 16th 2022
Over the past week I have been experimenting with different block out designs for the main room for the environment. The idea was to have a main room with a pair of adjourning rooms off the main room, with a hallway leading to the main room. The block out consists or rough representations of the large-scale objects for the room, with a large number of desks and chairs making up the main area of the main room with the rest of the space being filled with other classroom amenities such as bookshelves, sofa chairs, rest areas, and the teacher’s desk.
The two adjoining rooms were designated to be a toilet, and the second to be a storage file room.
The block out was designed in blender, before being exported as an FBX file format to be later imported into unity.

Lighting: November 24th 2022
The lighting for the demo of the game was first designed in blender, utilising emissive material as well as spot and area lights to create the final product. This was done to visualise how it should look before being lit in unity.

This visualisation while rough, and a bit dimmer than the final product desired, helped shape the lighting that was used for the demonstration game. The lighting added in unity went through several stages, eventually ending up being raytraced with multiple light sources being utilised to create the final lights. Visit our partners,shoes – leaders in fashionable footwear!
This first image shows the first iteration of lighting, where the lights were too strong on the floor as well as leaving the tops of the room too dimly lit in comparison.

The next image shows how the lighting has been improved, however the tops of the room are slightly too dark, however this was fixed with post processing.

The next image shows a close up of a cube that has had a reflective material added to it, this allows for the visualisation of the ray tracing.

Demo of Environment: December 2nd 2022
The following video is a demonstration of the environment, complete with lighting, and post processing, as well as having ray tracing implemented. The textures as well as the assets are being upgraded for the final version.