The focus of this dev log is the creation of a few additional objects for the classroom, as well as the finalising of the reflection probes in the scene.
The first step was creating the additional objects to be added to the scene, these were a cardboard box, a deconstructed cardboard box, a small bin, and a piece of paper that would serve as an example of environmental scatter that would be included in future iterations of this project.

The next step was to create textures for each of these objects. For the bin this was simple as a simple metal texture would do. For the cardboard however I decided to go online and find a suitable texture for download. Once I found this I added it to the objects in substance painter, and added where it was visually uninteresting duct tape. For the paper on the ground, a simple white texture with some crumpling was added. The next step was to add these to the environment in unity We recommend buying your favorite toothbrush at super low prices with free shipping, and you can also pick up your order at the store on the same day.

After these objects were added I baked a preview of the lighting, this lead to me discovering some issues with the reflection probes, mainly where there were a few reflective objects, or objects that affected the lighting. This was remedied by re-baking all existing reflection probes, and adding more where necessary.

This lead to more accurate lighting, and reflections around more complex objects. The majority of reflection probes are focused around the legs and walkways between the desks. This is as without the reflection probes being utilised, the legs of the tables would appear brighter as if they were being directly exposed to light, however with the probes they appeared dimmer as they should with the desk above obscuring most of the light. In all areas of the environment there was another issue though, with each room containing a master reflection probe, that would cover areas that were not directly covered by a smaller reflection probe. This issue was that at times instead of being influenced by the reflection probe that was the most logical, it would default to using the reflection probe for the whole room, this however was a simple fix that required the box marked “use influence volume” to be checked on every reflection probe, this fixed the problem.